June 2, 2012

a day to remember

It was 6 years ago that we were up most the night with Nora.  She was almost a year old and she had a high fever and a stuffy nose.  We wouldn't have been too concerned...except in the morning we were all going to go to Manti to be sealed as a family. 

She was still sick the following morning and she screamed the whole way to Manti.  She wouldn't eat and the only person she wanted to be held by was me...and even then, she wouldn't sleep.

We arrived at Manti, changed her into her white clothes and then left her with a temple worker while Michael and I went to another part of the temple to ready ourselves. 

While Michael and I were being sealed, Nora was still with a temple worker.  As our portion finished, we could hear Nora screaming from down the hall.  They brought her in.  She was so sad and so sick.  I held her while they sealed us to her, but she still didn't calm down.  She screamed the whole time (yes, it was only a few minutes). 

 I don't remember much of what was said, but I do remember it being one of my favorite days. 

We didn't have anything grand afterwards, just a small luncheon.  We didn't have a professional photographer, just family members taking photos.  We didn't have any special outfits, just nice church clothes.  It was simple, but I loved it far more than if we were to have spent a ton of money. 

Nora loves to hear the story about when she went through the temple for the first time.  She still asks about "the time I was married in the temple to you guys".  It is a great memory for us to remember every year and days inbetween!

Happy Sealing Day to MY family!