May 28, 2012

8 is great

Michael and I have been married 8 years today. 
We have been through 5 moves.
We have had 3 children.
We have had 2,154 disagreements :)
We have had several different hair styles (mostly me).
We have had 2 lawsuits.
We have had 6 different cars.
We have lost lots of weight and gained lots of weight.
We have had many different church callings.
We have been on 1,015 walks together.
We have slept in the same bed, but bought one new mattress.
We have celebrated 8 Christmas' together.
We have watched 976 movies together.
We have danced often.
We have made each other laugh at least once a day.
We have been through one bankruptcy.
We (I) have learned not to make chicken enchiladas.
We have met many new and wonderful friends and neighbors.
We have learned patience together.
We have had a variety of jobs.
We have had 1 associates and 1 bachelors degree earned.
we went to Mexico to get a root canal.
We have been to a variety of amusement parks.
We have had 1 major surgery.
We have trained and run many races (mostly Michael).
We have been apart during many business trips.
We have cried with and for each other.
We have had our lowest and highest moments together.
We have learned every little detail about each other...
and we still love each other more than ever.
Happy Anniversary to my favorite person in the whole world.  I couldn't be happier!!

And just for memories, her is the video of my nieces singing to us at our wedding: