April 2, 2009

Just Nora!

After days of more tantrums vs. calm moments, I decided I need to remind myself of some good things in my day. Here are just a couple cute things Nora has done in the last little while.

1) I had just put Lily down for a nap. After awhile of no sound from Nora, I went searching for her. This was our conversation once I found her.

"Nora what have you been doing?"
"I'm showing my friends my play dough."
"What friends?"
"The ones in my brain. Don't worry mom, I am doing it quietly."

2) While driving in the car, Michael and I were talking while the radio was playing. After a little while, we noticed that Nora was singing along to the song playing. The song was John Mayer's "Your Body is a Wonderland". The way Nora interpreted it was, "Dallas is in Wonderland".

3) Nora never forgets one line in her nightly prayers, "Please bless Jesus." Sometimes she adds, "Please bless we will see Jesus tomorrow."