March 24, 2009


With the few weeks that have passed, I guess I should post what has been going on. First and foremost is our exciting and surprising news. I am pregnant. It took Michael and me by surprise, so announcing it was kind of hard until we were able to feel the excitement of it. In all honesty, we are very excited. We are due November 2nd. Nora asks me every day when "the baby is going to pop out." She has a difficult time understanding it all, but we have been showing her week by week pictures of what the baby looks like and she is starting to catch on.

Second, we are moving. We found a beautiful house to move in to. We had to act fast, and within less than 2 days, we got it. We move in the first weekend in April. As sad as we are to leave our neighborhood and ward, we are extremely excited as well. We already know the ward we are moving in is the ward we lived in when I was pregnant with Nora, so that will be an easy transition for us adults. We are really worried about Nora. She absolutely loves her primary teachers and although we have told her she is going to have new teachers, I don't think she understands that she will never see the Thomas' again in primary :(

Last week, poor Lily came down with a fever. I wasn't too worried until it started to get worse. She became 103. We gave her some Motrin and after an hour, took her temperature again. She was, at that point, 104.2. Scared to death, we gave her a blessing and called the doctor.

We immediately went to the doctor. After examining her, she was diagnosed with Hand Foot and Mouth. My kids are rarely sick, so I had no idea what this was. Apparently it is a viral infection that can have your child with as high as 105 degree fever. The Dr. sent me away with no antibiotics and some simple advice "This is contagious, so keep other kids away." So I was stuck with a little baby with a very high fever and nothing to help. I was a little annoyed but after Lily fell asleep peacefully, I calmed down. She woke up much better and the fever down to 99 degrees. She was back to her old self within a few days.

That is the end for now. We will take pictures of the house and post them when we get organized!