October 15, 2012


I have been debating canceling my daily posts.  Sadly, it is has become hard for me to find stuff to be grateful for :(  I decided that I should blog regardless of my gratitude.  I will probably want to remember this time....and this blog is my only journal right now.  So, for now...I will continue to try to write daily...for my benefit.  

Michael had a short but very sweet visit.  I picked him up late from the airport.  Not many people were at the airport that late, but those few that were there were smiling when they saw how excited Michael and I were to see each other.  

We spent Saturday with the kids.  Lily told Michael that he got to choose anything he wanted to do since it was HIS day.  Lily kept saying, "You can choose Anti Gravity, Swimming, Fiesta Fun or a park."  We just laughed at her choices cause they were so far from what Michael would choose :)

When the afternoon came, Michael played with the kids and let me take a much needed 2 hour nap!  It felt oh so good.  Our neighbor watched our kids for us while we went to dinner. We then joined our kids at our neighbors house for a very stressful Tigers game.  It ended up being the perfect ending for Michael's small vacation.  The Tigers won!

Seeing Michael for just one day was wonderful....but it made it all the more hard to have him leave.  I cried most of Sunday.  I was cranky and sad.  Church was hard.  I felt very depressed.  

I am feeling much better now!  Mostly because of one thing....
and this one this is what I am grateful for today and yesterday.  Skype:
Michael did not have the ability to Skype with us his first 3 weeks.  We were able to fix that while he was here.  Now it has made his distance much easier.  I love Skype! The kids are very fond of it as well.  Wonderful invention!