July 17, 2012

what to do in the summertime

Nora and her neighborhood friends have an absession with playing in our garage.  Because of this obsession and the messes that have been made, I usually keep the garage closed.  However, sometimes I forget.  It was one of those forgetful times that I will regret for a long time. 
Weed spray is for killing weeds, right?  Well, out of the goodness of the girls hearts....they decided to kill some bugs with our weed killer.  Sadly, the bugs were on our lawn.  (Keep in mind, this is the story Nora told me.  They could have just been spraying the lawn for fun).
Now, our lawn looks awful.  There are yellow spots randomly all over.  Usually yellow spots are an easy fix on lawns.....however, our weed killer literally killed our grass.  It is dead dead. 
We have just put some seed in the small sections and now we wait several weeks to see what else needs to be done. 
I guess if I were to look at the bright side.....at least the girls did not spray each other :)