July 18, 2012

nora beth

 My beautiful Nora is 7 today.
From an early age, Nora has taken on the role of oldest child.  Sometimes it comes out being bossy, but she is very good at teaching Lily and Clark what needs to be done.  She also loves to do everything that the others can't do....and she will jump at the chance to pour a glass of milk, or make a sandwich.
Nora loves to learn.  She loves reading and writing.  She is very curious and is always asking questions....some that we don't know the answers to.  It won't be long before she passes up Michael and me in intelligence (me first).
Nora is very particular about what she eats. She has become very aware of what is healthy and what is not. She will ask me "Mom, is sodium good for me?" as she reads the back of foods label. This does not mean she turns away candy when it is offered.
The cutest thing is when she is not feeling well. She always asks "What is the most healthy thing we have in the house?"
One time I bought her a cookie when she was sick. She gave it to me and said she wanted to get better and cookies aren't healthy
 Nora is also very aware of what is wrong and right. I love and hate this about her :) She will call Michael and me out on a lot of things. She will tell us when we have said something or done something wrong. She is very concerned about being modest....even though her mom isn't as concerned. We have had to talk to her several times about how others can wear what they want and we should never tell them it is wrong. Hopefully she hasn't hurt anyones feelings.
Nora is my challenge.  I know others have it worse.....but I struggle with Nora every day.  I love her to death and I couldn't imagine life without her! 

Happy Birthday to my stubborn, smart, beautiful, silly and wonderful daughter.

(Photography done by the wonderful Kourtney Jackson... www.318photography.com)