June 6, 2012

room change

I woke up from my nap today with my 2 girls standing together smiling.  They couldn't hold in what they had to tell me. 
Nora: "Mom, we have moved Lily's stuff into my room, so now we share a room. 
 Now you can have a baby and the baby can have Lily's room."
Lily (pointing to her stomach): "Yeah mom, now when a baby comes out, the baby can have my room."

You see,  a week ago a neighbor of ours had a cute little baby.  Lily and I went to go visit and hold baby Addley:
(Look how happy she looks! She was in heaven)

Ever since then the girls have been begging for a new baby.  I tried to convince Nora that it wasn't a good idea.  "If we had another baby, you and Lily would have to share a room so the baby could have a room." 
Apparently this did not work as well as I thought it would.  Nora HATES sharing things.  However, when it comes to having a new baby, I guess she will do anything, even if she hates it :)

Here is what Nora's room looks like now:
They didn't mave anything that was too heavy.  You can see that only a few things have been moved....Lily's bedspread, and pillows and a small dresser that holds Lily's shoes.  If you look at the small dresser, you will see the shoes are over flowing....that is because Nora has put all her shoes in the dresser with Lily's shoes.  One last thing they moved is Lily's garbage can (it's behind the small dresser). 
Very cute gesture.....but they are going to have to try much harder than that :)