May 24, 2012

boys will be boys

Do not be fooled by this adorable face.  This little boy is a demon through and through :)
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this kid and I LOVE having a boy. 
I knew boys were different from girls....I've heard it several times throughout my life. 
I just thought I was different.  "There is no way my little boy will be destructive.  There is no way my boy will want to use everything as a sword.  There is no way my cute little boy will hit and bite everything in his path. 
Alas, I was wrong.  Clark is a typical boy...even with his sisters wanting to play house or baby with him. 

This demon of a boy makes me laugh so many times a day.  He knows exactly how to manipulate Michael and me.  It is so hard to say no to him, or to make him go to bed, or to punish him or anything else that we do on a regular basis with the girls. As hard as it is, we do it...and hopefully he will turn into a suave stud someday.

(I asked him to say cheese, so he stuffed the cookie on his face and then said cheese)
Boys will be boys!!