April 16, 2012

Lily's mistake

We drove into the garage after running errands.  I needed to do a few things at home before I needed to head out again.  Just as I got out of the car and shut my door, I heared the doors lock.  I look at Lily and she is getting out of the car.  I yell to her "DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR!!"  I actually yelled it over and over.  Since Lily is my worst listener, I should have known that she would not listen.  She closed the door.  All the doors were locked, The keys were still inside along with Clark....who was buckled tightly in his carseat. 

Normally this would be fine, since we always have a second pair of keys.  However, since we bought this car back in September, we have not copied a key for ourselves.  So, Clark really was stuck inside. 

He sat there staring at me.  I told him to try and unbuckle himself.  He just said back to me, "No Mommy, you do it." 
Poor kid did not understand what was going on.  Lily on the other hand knew exactly what was going on.  She was crying hysterically.  She said in her tears "Mom, I really really like Clark and now he is stuck forever."

I went to my neighbor who is a police officer.  It just so happened that the tools he had to unlock car doors were being borrowed by his dad.  He got a wire hanger and attempted to unlock the door with that, while I called my insurance. 
Long story short, my insurance company sent out some other police officers and a locksmith. 

The whole time Clark was in the car he just kept telling me to open the door and then unbuckle him.  He was so thrilled once the door opened....and so was Lily!  But mostly, I was so relieved to have this little boy okay!!!