April 8, 2012

Easter Birthday

I've only shared my birthday with Easter a few times and usually it has bothered me.  This time, I enjoyed every minute of it.  
Michael surprised me with a bike he found on craigslist.  I've been wanting to go on bike rides with my kids, so I've been wanting a bike for awhile now.  I had no idea he was even thinking of it.  I've already been on several small rides with Nora and Lily.

My sweet neighbor's dad just passed away.  Her and her dad are both Detroit Tigers fans....they both grew up in Detroit.  So, when she went to his funeral in Michigan, she brought us back the best sign ever:

I love it!  We have it hanging in our garage :)

After Church, I came home to a nicely cleaned house.  Michael needed to skip the third hour of church to do it, but it was a great surprise!  We had a wonderful Easter dinner and my mom made me my favorite dessert.

Last, and my absolute favorite present (an unexpected one) was the Detroit Tigers game.  I almost got an ulcer watching it....but if anyone watched it, they will know what I am talking about.  The very last chance they had to score, they did!   It was awesome.  I am sure the whole neighborhood heard Michael and me screaming!. 

I am now 31 and so far I am loving it.  I don't mind getting old as long as birthdays are this fun :)  *knock on wood*

p.s.  thanks for all the birthday wishes and the other presents that are not mentioned on here.  I loved everything!