March 7, 2012


Michael is home and doing well.  Everything went according to plan, except for how long it took.  We arrived at 5:45 and didn't get into the car and leave until 1:00.  It was a long day and I am so glad it is almost over. 
We started off waiting in the hospital for questions to be asked, blood to be drawn, clothes to be changed and all that fun stuff.  Michael was a champ....he only cried once on the day of surgery :)
I wanted to badly to be asleep...but I wanted to be with Michael even more than sleep.  Sometimes I sacrafice :)
After they took Michael away, I had to wait.  They told me it would take, at the most, 2 hours.  After 2 1/2 hours, I began to worry.  I had an older couple sitting next to me telling me their stories of past surgeries.  It definitely did not help. 
The doctor came out with good news and then told me I couldn't see Michael for another hour because he was in recovery. I was so anxious to see him and it was so hard to wait. 
What seemed like 4 hours passed and I went to see Michael.
Poor guy was so out of it for a long time.  I finally got a picture of him aware of what I was doing.  We call the incision his "second smile'.
Again, we waited forever to leave.  My phone and Michaels phone were both out of batteries due to all the calls and text messages we (I) made.  So many people were so concerned and wanted to know how everything went.  I felt so lucky to know that so many people were thinking of him today!

When we arrived home, Nora was still at school.  She was so nervous all day at school, I should have just had her skip a day.  She came home and immediately ran upstairs.  She handed Michael a note she had made and began to cry.
Here is her cute note. 
"Dear Dad,  I hope you get better! I hope you still could talk like pee-wee and I wish you could still talk like kermit."
Here is Michael at home, pretending to be happy and in no pain :)
We love you Michael and we are glad everything went well!