February 22, 2012

Thank You Thank You

 I have been so overwhelmed with gratitude today that I felt a need to write.  I sound like I am bearing my testimony :)

In two weeks from today, Michael will be going in for surgery.  He is having his thyroid removed. 
He is having this removed:
It was four years ago that Michael found a lump on his throat.  It was about the size of a golf ball.  We got it checked out immediately and found out it was a tumor.  We did more tests and we were told it was benign. 
For four years we have tried to ignore it.  We didn't have any money to get it removed and since we were told it was benign,. there was no real reason to pay for a surgery that wasn't needed. 
A few months ago Michael told me that his tumor had grown so large that it was starting to block his airway.  He called the dr.  the next day and set up an appointment.  It took a long time to get in....but we had it checked out. 
His tumor is now the size of half an orange and has moved into his airway.  He says it feels like he has a pill stuck in his throat at all times. 

Here is a recent picture of Michael.  It is the best I could find that showed part of his tumor.  If he were actually by you, you would see it much better:
(yes, we have  named the tumor lumpy)
So, we have now decided to remove his thyroid.  At the visit, the dr.  also informed us that there are several cases of False Negatives when it comes to biopsy results.  This means that Michael could have a malignant tumor.  The chances are small, but it is possible.  We are, of course, hoping that the tests come back benign again. 
Now we just wait for March 7th.  After March 7th, there is the recovery and then there are several side effects we are afraid of.  Loss of singing voice, raspy voice, weight gain, hair loss, depression and mood swings.  All of these symptoms are scary for Michael....so we are praying everything goes okay.

Now on to the purpose of this post.  I have been in tears most of today.  Not because I am afraid of the surgery (which I am).....or because I am scared for Michaels health (which I am).  Today I have been very touched by those who have reached out to us.  Those who have offered emotional support.  Those who have offered financial support.  Those who have offered to watch my children so I can be there for Michael.  We have been blessed with family and friends who are concerned for Michael and our family.  I don't know how to thank them enough.   I am so grateful for good people.  Thank you Thank you!