January 30, 2012


Here is an update on my kids
(for my benefit, mostly)

Because she is my oldest, she has become extremely bossy.  I have tried to avoid this, but she has taken on the role of being in charge.  Sometimes being in charge is a good thing and benefits me greatly.  She is wonderful at taking care of Clark and Lily and helping them complete tasks.  She loves having others depend on her.  She also loves know she is smarter than someone (we've had to work a lot on this). 
Nora loves to read.  She excells in reading and English at school. She is at a 4th grade reading level. 
 She is extremely good at math too but HATES it.
Nora is usually very considerate and loves to surprise people.  She loves to make gifts for people, or clean a room for me without me knowing.  She loves praise and will do anything to get it :)

Lily is a ditz through and through.  Oh how her blondness scares me.  Lily loves to be silly.  She loves to tell jokes and act like a goof.  Her favorite thing to do is sing.  She would sing all day if we let her.  Lily does not have volume control in her head.  She speaks loudly and has no idea how loud it really is.  So, when she sings (like in a public bathroom), the whole store can hear her and everyone laughs. 
Lily loves babies.  She just loves to be around them.  She thinks that every baby she sees likes her the best. 
Lily is oblivious to rules.  Within seconds of telling her not to do something, she has disobeyed. 
Lily would much rather stay at home with me than go outside and play.  She loves to play pretend at home and loves to take care of her stuffed animals.  

Clark is the ultimate Elmo lover.  He won't go to sleep unless he has an Elmo toy in bed with him.  He loves to sing the Elmo's World song.  He loves to watch Sesame Street....but mostly the Elmo's World part. 
Clark is a great sleeper.  He takes great naps and sleeps well at night.  He enjoys his nighttime routine of picking out the pajamas he wants to wear. 
Clark loves taking baths and would stay in all day if we let him.  His favorite person in the world is Lily.  He loves to play with her and he mimics all the silly things she does. 
Clark is very loving.  He loves to give hugs and kisses.  He loves to lay in bed with us and cuddle.  He mostly loves to lay in bed with us and play Angry Birds. 
He loves slides and hates swings.  He loves dogs, even really big ones.  He misses his big sister Emma and gives her a huge hug on visit days.  He still has a huge crush on the neighbor girl, Ivy.  He constantly asks to go over to her house. 
Clark is a very spoiled little boy.  We try to remember not to treat him differently, but it is very hard when he is our only boy and our last child!