January 20, 2012


I have a bad habit.  This habit has been with me since I was very young.  In fact, I don't remember being without this habit.  I have tried several times to rid myself of this habit.  I have been embarassed several times by this habit.  When I see others with this habit, I feel an immediate bond with them.  Only they understand this particular addiction. 

I bite my nails. Sometimes I bite them so low, they bleed.  I rip my nails apart.  Michael wonders how I am not in pain all the time.  The truth is, I am so used to them being destroyed, the pain does not phase me.

Recently, I met up with my friend.  She is training to be a nail technician.  She has helped me tremendously with this habit.  We have put fake nails on continuously, to help me break this habit.  A few times I have ripped the fake nails off and then began biting again. This last time, I was actually able to keep the fake nails on for a long time. 

Last week I went to my friends house.  We took the fake nails off and then she put gel polish on.  Gel Polish is much thicker and doesn't break or crack. 
This is a picture of my nails last week.  This is the longest my nails have ever been!  It has now been a week with the gel polish and I am still going strong.  It is definitely hard. 

The worst part is that I didn't realize that picking and biting my nails was a stress reliever for me.  NOW, I have gained 5 pounds because I have resorted to snacking as my stress reliever instead.  UGH!! I hope this is worth it :)