October 7, 2011


Have you ever been driving with the kids safely buckled in the back of the car...  Everything is going smoothly, the kids are happy and you are right on schedule to make it to your next destination.

Today I was there.  I was doing just that....and then Clark dropped his binky.  Of course, I had to get it for him.   

I don't claim to be the best driver, but I am pretty darn good at double tasking while driving.  It just so happens that this one time, while reaching for Clark's plug,  the van swerved a little too far to the right.  I ran straight into a curb at 40 miles an hour.  I heard a sound that told me this hit was not a simple one.  I pulled over, turned on my hazards and then decided to look at the damage.  
 This is not the actual picture.  Our tire (brand new tire might I add) was almost ripped to shreds and the hub cap was also damaged.  I almost cried.  Michael and I have been trying so hard to pay off debt....and as soon as we get close to making a payment, something bad happens.  
Luckily, a police officer was driving by while I was on the phone with Michael.  He stopped, stayed and helped me. 
It delayed my schedule...and stressed me out....but when I look back I have to be grateful that it wasn't worse.  I mean seriously, worse things have happened to others who were distracted just like me.