September 27, 2011

goodly parents

This picture is in Lily's room on her dresser.  
It has been there since her 3rd birthday 
(the day it was taken).  
Lily has become quite the manipulator
(or at least tried to be one).  
Whenever Michael or I have told her to do something she didn't want to do, 
or told her to stop doing something....
she brings this picture into our room.  
With a sad face, she tries her hardest to make us feel bad for what we have done to her.  As she looks at the picture, she tells us things like...."Remember when we were happy?"  or "I wish you guys were like you were in this picture." .
Although it is very clever of her, it doesn't work.  
She still has to go to bed, 
and then she is even more mad at us. 
Last night she slept with this picture.  
I don't think I am a bad parent....
but sometimes Lily has me questioning myself.  
She is so convincing.