Besides her being adorable, she also has many great qualities, which include:
She has always been great at meeting new people and making new friends. She is not afraid to say hi to all the kids at the park. She loves to be social and play with as many people as possible.
I have always been amazed at how fast Nora learns things. She is a quick learner and remembers everything said to her. She has always loved puzzles and usually beats me when we put them together. She is very inquisitive, always asking questions and always wondering about everything around her.
Nora has her dads personality and has from day one. She loves to be the life of the party and loves to tell jokes. She loves to make up silly voices or mimic other peoples voices.
Nora hates to be dirty...the one thing I love about this kid :) Although she doesn't mind playing with super heroes or guns....she draws the line at getting dirt on her. She has always hated being dirty and I love this about her.
I have quite the talented kid. She loves to sing, dance, play all kinds of instruments, draw, paint, sculpt and many other things. Not only does she love to do them, she is quite good at whatever she does.
Nora had a bad dream, so the next night she decided to pray to Heavenly Father to not give her bad dreams anymore. She was safe that night from bad dreams, so she made a habit out of praying for no bad dreams. One night she had another bad dream, even though she had prayed not too. She said "Maybe Heavenly Father didn't hear me." She that night in her prayers she decided to yell her prayers. She is doing quirky things like this all the time!

Nora is a daddy's girl. I keep telling Michael that he is raising a nerd, but he doesn't care. He LOVES that she loves nerdy music and nerdy movies and nerdy toys. I try to balance it out with other things, but Michael has won her over in so many areas :)
She is a wonderful kid who absolutely loves life and we love her for it. Happy Birthday Nora!