May 23, 2009

Our Night

We woke up this morning with clouds out. The girls had their hearts set on playing with the slip n slide. We told them maybe it will be warmer later. They decided to pray and ask for it to be warmer.

After our long day hiking I thought the girls had given up on it. But, they were set on it. Last minute we got it out and they played . It was a little windy and somewhat overcast, but they did not care (they were grateful to Heavenly Father for making it warm enough). Michael even joined in.

We invited some neighbors over for a BBQ and their kids joined ours in the splashing while the adults ate and chatted. By the end of the get together, there were 5 other kids from the neighborhood who decided to get their swim suits on and join ours. The girls enjoyed it immensely!! I am glad the night worked out! We are all pretty tired.