May 23, 2009


(There are a ton of pictures in this post.)

Last minute, we decided to take the girls to Zion National Park. I sure am glad we did, we had a lot of fun.

Waiting for the shuttle. Nora was excited that this was her first bus ride.

Lily was less then thrilled about her first bus ride. She kept saying " No Lily Bus On!!"

Once off the bus, the hiking was a hit for all three girls.

They trekked along excited to reach the end.

They reached the end hot and sweaty, so they were excited that there were water falls to get a little wet with.

It was way past Lily's nap time, but she seemed to smile throughout the whole hike.

Nora putting her hands in the little waterfall.

Emma sticking her head in the water sprinkles.

The dessert afterward was the biggest hit. Messy, but every last bite was eaten.

Our favorite part, the quiet ride home. They all zonked out within minutes of getting back in the car.