October 24, 2008


Quirk Tag Rules: List 6 quirks about yourself. Tag 3 or more people and tell who tagged you.

I was tagged by Anne!

1) I have a hard time meeting new people without my husband with me. I usually rely on his social skills to start and maintain conversations. I get very nervous when I am by myself in a social situation. I can do it, but I would prefer it if he were there!

2) I count words on my hands. I try to end every sentence or word with my 5th finger. If I can’t actually physically do it, I will picture my hand counting the words or spelling out words to make sure it ends on my fifth finger.

3) I love the game show network. When I was pregnant with Nora and wasn’t working the last few months before she was born, I would watch the game show network all the time....not out of boredom....but because I loved to do it. This habit came from when I used to stay with my grandma when she was bedridden. While I was taking care of her, her favorite thing to do was watch the game show network, and for some reason it caught on :)

4) When I am in a car, it is really hard for me to be the passenger. I love being in control of the car and if someone else is, I get very frustrated. Michael has learned this and doesn’t really mind. Whenever you see us driving around, I am the one driving. There are a few exceptions....like dates, or when I am sick....but usually I am the driver.

5) I don’t mind milk as long as it is really cold. If there has been a glass of milk out of the fridge for longer than a few minutes, in my head it is ruined. This was cause for a few arguments when Michael and I were first married. He would pour a large glass of milk and then drink it over a span of an hour or so. It made me physically sick to think of the milk getting at all warm. I don’t know where I got this one!

6) I am a pretty darn competitive person...but only with games I enjoy. If I don’t like the game, I don’t care who wins. And I am constantly trying to beat my own score in computer games. Sometimes I get out of control when I am losing and actually use my whole body to show how angry I am. I try not to yell at people I am playing with....but I definitely yell at the game!

Tag: Julie K., Julie B., Shayla F., Camille, and Rachel M.