September 17, 2008

Pictures Galore!

I have taken a bunch of pictures the last few weeks. So, instead of having different posts for each set of pictures, I will just make one long post of pictures.

We went to the park this morning....early so it wouldn't be too hot.

After getting Nora breakfast this morning, I went searching for Lily. This is how I found her:

More of the park. Nora and Lily both love the swings and the slides.

Lily will only eat with her hands. She will only eat off of a utensil if it has ice cream on it. So, we are regularly cleaning her face, clothes and high chair. Here she is after eating a peanut butter sandwich:

Here she is offering us some. So nice!

I was cleaning out the closet on Sunday and found our bubble machine.
The girls played with bubbles before and after church.