September 16, 2008

Nora and her sense of humor.

Mommy: "Nora, turn off the t.v. please."
Nora: "No Mommy, I want to watch."
Mommy: "Please turn off the t.v. Nora."
Nora: "But Heavenly Father said I could watch t.v. and he is in charge!"

"Mommy, I want to grow up to be a giant."
Mommy: "Why do you want to be a giant?"
Nora: "So I can SMASH everyone!"

"Mommy, I like antlers. When I grow up, I want to have antlers."

"Daddy, make sure you cover my feet with the blanket." (said as Michael tucks her in at night)
Daddy: "Why do you want your feet covered?"
Nora: "So all the germs won't get out."