August 22, 2008

Three in one.

A few weeks ago Nora went to a super hero birthday party. Lucky for her, her Halloween costume is Supergirl (she chose it herself!). This is her just before the birthday party. She was so excited she got to wear her costume before Halloween.

Although this is just a blond wig, we like to call it the Hannah Montana wig.
The girls put it on and sing their hearts out.....

Michael puts it on and just looks like Garth from Wayne's World.

Here is Lily doing her new favorite thing: climbing on things. I usually just let her crawl around from room to room when I am getting ready in the morning.
No More!!

The coffee table is her favorite thing to climb on
and then she just laughs and laughs once she has accomplished it.

Nora lovingly takes care of her on the table to make sure she does not fall off.
As long as Lily is not taking Nora's toys, they are great friends!