July 20, 2008

Nora's Birthday Present

Thursday morning, we were all getting ready to head out to Lagoon...when we heard a crash, and then an immediate scream. Nora had fallen off the condo couch and hit in to the coffee table.

After calming Nora down and after making sure nothing was broken or cut, Nora told us that it was her nose that she hit.

Here is a picture of her 3 1/2 days later. She looks much better....but her nose is still a little swollen.

Last night we finally cleaned out her nose as much as we could. She screamed the whole time so Michael had to pin her down while I did the dirty work. After we were done cleaning, Nora went to the mirror and just stared at herself and asked "Mommy, my nose is clean now?"

We should have taken a picture of her on Thursday when it happened, then you would see how swollen and bloody it was.

So, Friday was her birthday and I now have a 3 year old. She is my favorite 3 year old in the world. I am always impressed with how smart she is. She has a fantastic memory (she gets that from me :) and she has a fantastic sense of humor (she gets that from Michael).

Every now and then she will do something we have never seen before. We will ask her "Nora who taught you that?" and we expect to hear that she learned it from school or nursery. But her response EVERY time is, "I learned it from my Grandpa." We then ask her "Where does your Grandpa live?" And although she has a Grandpa in St. George and one in Michigan, her response is always "He lives in Africa." She has quite the imagination.

Anyway, I love my 3 year old. That is all!