October 29, 2012

the funnies

I always forget to type the funny things the kids say and do.  
So, while it is on my mind, I will type a few things from Clark and Lily

*Lily told me yesterday, "Mom, in our new house I hope we have lots of money.  Then we can buy me a flute."  I asked her why she wanted a flute.  Her response, "So, I can play it with my nose."

*I told Clark today that we were leaving to go to Swig so I can get a drink.  He got mad at me and said, "No mom, I don't want a dirty drink anymore.  I want a clean drink!"

*I took the kids to Red Robin a little while ago.  After Lily's food came, she refused to eat.  She kept saying how full she was...even though she had not eaten anything.  After everyone else was done eating, Lily went to the bathroom.  She ran back and said "Now I can eat mom, I just pooped and I am not full anymore!"