October 7, 2012


In six short days, we get to see Michael.  We are all counting down the days.  It will only be one day that we get to see him, so I hope the kids don't all get their hopes up that he will be here longer. 

Friday night and Saturday were probably the worst so far.  I have had sick children.  When Nora is sick, she is sweet and loving and quiet.  When Clark is sick, he is a monster.  He cried pretty much all day Friday.  When he wasn't crying he was complaining about something.  I started feeling sick myself on Friday and to top it off....our cars brakes seem to be going out again.  We have already had them fixed 3 different times.  Luckily 2 of those times were under warranty.  I just wish they would fix it for good so I don't have to keep going in a waiting. Friday night, we got home and there was the all to familiar chirping sound coming from the fire alarm.  It wasn't a big deal, but it seemed like a big deal after the day I had been through :)

I have decided to be grateful for friends today. 
It has been hard not to close myself off from the world and just be a hermit.  Luckily I have had people who have been very good to me while Michael is gone.  I had 2 different friends invite me over to watch the Tigers game yesterday.  I had a friend offer her sons weeding services so my backyard could look a little better.  I had a friend text me asking if I wanted my usual from Swig.  I have had several friends continually offer to watch my kids so I could have a break.  I had a friend invite my family over for breakfast this morning.  
I am grateful for friends who help me to not just sit at home and feel sorry for myself !