September 1, 2012

Michelin Man

Michael has been offered a job at Michelin selling tires.  Of course, he accepted it. 
This job requires relocation...something I have been wanting for awhile.  I grew up in St. George and have lived here my whole life (except for a few years nannying in New York).  Although I love it here,  I have been anxious for a new setting.  Not just a new house....but a new environment. 
Michael was hesitant to apply.  He has grown very fond of St. Emma lives here.  We discussed it in great length and wrote pros and cons lists.  We prayed about it.  When it came down to it....the pros outweighed the cons by a long shot...and we just plain felt good about it!
His training starts on September 24th in South Carolina.  As soon as that comes to an end, we will find out where they will move us.  So, our destination relies completely on Michelin.  They will decide where to move us.  That makes it all the more exciting :)
When Michael told Nora and Lily that he got the job, they screamed.  They were so very excited.  I am glad that they see this as an adventure.  I am sure if they were even a little older they would complain the whole time. 
So, we have a few more months to say our goodbyes to St. George as a home.  Hopefully everything goes smoothly....especially with Michael being gone for the majority of 12 weeks.
Thanks to the Bowlings for all their help!  It has been such a blessing to have friends who are already employed by Michelin to give us tips.....not to mention it was really them who got Michael the job!