July 21, 2012

movie night

Last thursday morning, I woke up and decided to take the kids out for breakfast instead of making breakfast.  On the way to get breakfast there was an offer for free movie tickets.  I called, with the thought that winning was impossible.  I had to be the 7th, 8th or 9th caller.  On my very first try calling, the phone was answered.  I was the 7th caller.  My prize....2 tickets to Batman.  I was ecstatic.  Michael and I are both big Batman fans.....and this was one movie we didn't want to wait to see.  So I called Michael and let him know....he was seriously giddy for 2 days straight. 
We went last night to the VIP showing of batman.....and we had a blast. 
(I told Michael to make a 'Batman' face.  this was what he did :)