July 4, 2012

five alive

Lily is going to be 5 tomorrow.  Since I am up tonight due to fireworks, I thought I would do her birthday post now :)

Lily really is as cute as she looks.  She says the oddest things most of the time, but her comments are so absolutely hilarious that it makes her even more adorable.

Lily has just recently become very aware of how she looks.  She will plan out her outfit the night before and let me know exactly how she wants her hair done.  After she is ready each morning, she stares at herself in the mirror constantly.  She has been talking a lot about how much prettier she is than everyone else.  We are working with her on fixing that :)

Lily still has NO volume control.  She really truly believes she needs to talk loud in order for others to hear.  Not only does she talk loud, but she sings loud.  Its a good thing she has a good voice.

Lily is my little helper.  She usually does whatever I ask her to.  I attribute this to her primary teachers.  They have taught her well to choose the right and she listens far more to them than me.  Every time she does something nice she says "It's because I want to be as nice as Jesus."  I am not going to complain about that.

A few things Lily is good at:  Whistling,  taking care of Clark and the dogs and telling great jokes.

A little memory of Lily.  When she was born we originally named her Camilla.  In fact, our birth video to my family we tell them all her name is Camilla.  After a few hours of calling her that, Michael and I both felt weird.  We decided that Camilla was not supposed to be her nam,e.  I had liked the name Lily and Michael did not like it.  After she was born, he finally liked it and we agreed it suited her...  but We still have a birth video of us calling her Camilla though :)

Happy Birthday to my spunky, outrageous, doesn't know when to calm down, loud, loving, helpful and wonderful little girl. 
We love you Lily!