April 19, 2012

wonder woman

No, I am not going to talk about how I am a "Wonder Woman".  I am going to talk about my two girls.
Nora and Lily have been wanting a Wonder Woman birthday party for awhile. 
I didn't give them a birthday party last year and they have been planning another party ever since their last birthday party in 2010 (they get their early planning from their mother).
I've been debating giving them a party.  I tend to go overboard and stress for weeks about birthday parties.  Then I get overly depressed when it doesn't turn out how I have dreamed....things don't look quite right, people are not able to attend, pictures are not as cute as others party pictures. 
Michael tries to help me understand that kids don't care too much about the details.  However, I do care about details.  I don't consider myself the perfect party planner.....but I am a detailed party planner.
So, in my attempt to reduce my stress, I tried to bribe my girls with something that is not as stressful.  "Do you guys want a birthday party or do you want to go to Cowabunga Bay for your birthday instead?"  It was just my luck, they did not take the bait.
So, I am now planning a party with this theme:
Considering their birthday is right after the 4th of July and right before the 24th of July, it will be quite simple.  Using America decor will be simple and cheap.
To make it easier, a neighbor friend has recommended a bounce house company that has a water slide bounce house for a very good price.  The kids can play on that for a couple hours without me having to plan any activities :)
Hopefully this year, I will just relax and enjoy the party instead of stressing over it too much!
Only time will tell!