April 26, 2012

Whitesides Scholar Athlete

Yesterday Michael and I attended a Utah State university awards ceremony.  The awards cermony is titled "Whitesides Scholar Athlete".  Joe E.  Whitesides was Michaels grandfather. 
So, Michael had the priviledge of talking about his grandpa at the ceremony and presenting the awards to the 2 recipients. 
This is our second year going and I am always amazed at each person who recieves this award.  They are incredible smart and incredibly talented people and they deserve this and many more awards. 
I did film Michael speaking....however....my lame self messed the whole video tape up and it just recorded my lap. 
Yes, I have literally hit myself on the forhead several times. 
Michael did a great job, even though there is no proof :)

We brought our children with us (mostly because we had no choice :)
Thank you to my friend Clair who watched my kids while we attended. 
This picture of Clark explains a lot about the trip and how tired we all were:
The trip made them all exhausted!!!