March 25, 2012


For the past few days, Nora has had a cough.  I didn't think anything of seemed to be a normal cough and I was planning on it going away within a few days.  Saturday afternoon, she began coughing even more.  Her voice sounded awful and she could hardly breath.  She told me she wanted to go lay down.  She fell asleep immediately.  I watched her for awhile as she slept.  Her breathing was extremely laboured and her heart was racing. 
I took her to the doctor when she woke up, which meant I missed the Relief Society Broadcast :(.  They did a bunch of breathing and heart rate tests.  She failed all of the tests.  Her breath rate was at an 88 (whatever that means).  The dr. told me that when a child his below a 90, they are usually hospitalized. 
They tried a nebulizer for Nora.  If her breath rate increased after using the nebulizer, she would not be hospitalized.
She hated the nebulizer, but she finished it.  They tested her breathing again and she was at a we lucked out. 
The doctor sent her home with a nebulizer to use every 4 hours.  Her breathing gets better with each use.