March 17, 2012

it's not easy being green

8 years ago today, Michael purposed to me. 
We love Saint Patricks day! 
I had high hopes for today.  I was going to do amazing things for the kids.  I was going to have a rainbow of streamers that they would follow when they woke up.  It would lead to a pot of gold for each ofthem.  I never got around to doing that! 
However,  I did do something.  I decided to make green waffles.  The kids helped me mix them and put the food coloring in.  They were a little nervous eating them.  Once they took one bite, they realized they tasted waffletastic!
 (The waffles don't look green,
but trust me...they were)
Doesn't Michael look handsome without lumpy?  So handsome!