January 3, 2012

sweet Mazie

12 years ago, my mom drove me to the outskirts of Colorado City.  There was a small house there and our main purpose was to choose out a new dog.  A puppy.  I had just graduated from high school, so I wasn't planning on staying at my parents house much longer....but I loved dogs and I was so excited. 
I was the one who was able to pick which puppy we were going to buy. I picked out a sweet little girl puppy and drove her home. 
As much as I wanted her to like me the best, she instantly became attatched to my younger brother.  For 12 years now, they have been best friends.  Even when he returned from his mission, she had not forgotten him. 
Mazie died yesterday morning in my brothers arms.  I can't help but cry about how wonderful she was.  I will miss her!