October 4, 2011

a dose of gratitude

I've had a major health problem for the last year or so.  
Since we don't have medical insurance,
I avoided going to a doctor. 
I decided to try everything myself to see if 
I could fix the problem.  
Every now and then, the symptoms would subside, 
but it never went away completely.  
After a year of trying to deal with the problem myself,
I decided to see a doctor.  He prescribed me a drug.  

I HATE pills.  
I gag with the smallest of pills 
and this particular pill was huge and tasted awful.  
I stuck with the pills and luckily, they worked.  
I feel a ton better and I am so grateful that 
I realized I couldn't fix it myself. 
I am also grateful for the great minds out there 
who invented all the wonderful medicine.  
I don't promote medicine for every problem, 
but I am ever so grateful it fixed my problem.