Clark is a whopping 6 months old!
-The girls still can't get enough of him.
-He has started eating solid foods and loves it.
-He is constantly making loud noises when he is excited about something
-He loves water. He loves to splash in his bath.
-He weighs almost 22 pounds (just a few pounds difference from Lily)
-He looks more and more like his dad all the time
-He gives huge slobbery kisses all the time.
-He immediately beams the instant he sees his dad.
-He loves when I sing to him.
-He hates driving in the car.
-When he is happy he bops his head back and forth really hard. We have hit heads many times (I even got a fat lip once)
-He only talks when his binkie is in his mouth. The second you take it out he stops talking.
-He still finds it hilarious when his sisters cry.
-He kicks his mattress with his legs really hard. You'd think there was a drum set in his room.
-He is rolling over and almost sitting up.
-He still does not sleep through the night.
-I am constantly blown away by his cuteness!