October 4, 2012


Yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day :).  Clark decided to get sick right as I was leaving to go pick the girls up from school.  So, he threw up all over the back of the van.  Luckily the majority of the throw up was on the removable rugs.  So, I took those out and scrubbed the other parts of the van that couldn't be removed....and then picked the girls up late!
I gave him some medicine after his fever came.  After about 15 minutes he seemed back to normal.  Later at night his fever returned.  I gave him more medicine and he put himself to bed.  I thought it was over.  Nope!  Clark woke up almost every hour on the hour.  He had the shivers and a fever and was really thirsty all night long.  I tried to comfort him....but he seemed so uncomfortable.  He finally relaxed long enough to sleep until 5 am....the time he woke up for good.  He had a small fever, so I gave him a little more medicine.  He has been fine ever since.  
Days and nights like this make me really miss Michael.  He is always so good at taking care of the kids in the middle of the night.  I've been very spoiled by Michael when it comes to night time kids! 

Today, I choose to be grateful for medicine.  
Medicine of all kinds.  The kind that helps my children feel better.  The kind that helps me feel better.  The kind that keeps me from having more children :).  The kind that helps me not feel so scared of life.  I am so grateful for medicine!