February 5, 2009

A week of firsts...

This week was a big week for Nora. On Monday she had her first dentist appointment. Emma needs a root canal, so we decided to get Nora checked out before she needs one also :) Nora did beautifully. They took x-rays and did a cleaning and everything went smoothly. The dentist even complimented Nora on how clean her teeth were which made her grin from ear to ear.

Lily on the other hand just had a cleaning. She did awful. We actually expected that. We struggle just brushing her teeth, we knew someone else touching her teeth would be even worse. We got through it and both girls got a new tooth brush, a balloon and a new book!

Tuesday, Nora had an eye appointment. Again, she did wonderful! They dilated her eyes and did a few tests. Then Nora got to pick out some glasses. As you can see below, she decided to choose glasses that matched her Daddy's.

(She wouldn't let me take a picture of her unless she was making a silly face)

I can't leave Lily out. This past week Lily has become obsessed with singing songs. We often find her walking around the house singing different songs. Her favorites are "I am a child of God", "Davey Crockett", "The Little House in the middle of the woods", "popcorn popping" and "5 little monkeys". She loves to do the hand gestures to the ones that require them. Below is a picture of her making a house with her hands while singing "There was a little house."

Now for the last FIRST....we are going bowling for the first time tonight. We will see how the kids enjoy it :)