December 24, 2008

Christmas Part One

Since we have Emma on Christmas Eve and
we don't see her at all on Christmas day,
we actually celebrate our Christmas a day early.

Santa actually comes the morning of
Christmas Eve and the kids feel extra special
that Santa comes early for them.

So last night was actually Christmas Eve
for us even though it was Christmas Eve Eve.

Nora and Emma were both
considerably hyper and anxious.

Lily didn't understand much,
but she loved all the excitement.

After dinner, we invited some neighbors over to do the traditional nativity. The kids dressed up and acted out the nativity while Michael read from the bible.
It was very entertaining.

Emma and Nora were quite the Mary and Joseph.
Emma insisted on having 2 baby Jesus' so Nora could hold a baby too.

After the nativity there was the fondue.
In my family we usually do fondue with meat and have a full meal.
I decided to do it simple and have a
fruit fondue and dip strawberries and apples in chocolate.
It was a hit!

Michael teaching the kids how fondue works.

Emma and our neighbor friend Jadyn.

"Christmas Morning" we did the usual run out and see what Santa brought. The kids played for a very long time and didn't want to stop to open the presents under the tree...let alone take a few family pictures.
I did get some though:

P.S. Happy Birthday Michael.
He is 30 today! I love love love you!