October 10, 2008

My Lobster

So far I have seen 4 of my friends with this on their blog. So, I thought....what the heck, I will try it out.

1. What is his name? Mizichael Fizoley (his gangsta name)

Who eats more? I do, but only because he would never stop eating if it were up to him :)

Who said I love you first? Of course it was Michael! I took forever to even realize I was in love. Not to mention, when you are as loveable as me, it was hard for him to resist!

Who is taller? Spiritually or Physically? Okay, both are him!

Who is smarter? No doubt about it. Michael!! I am more wise, does that count?

Who is more sensitive? We are both pretty darn sensitive. But, I would have to say Michael is more so.

Who does the laundry? Both of us. If we notice it, we do it.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Laying in bed, I am on the right side.

Who pays the bills? Moi!

. Who cooks more? Moi! Michael helps out sometimes though!

What meals do you cook together? Usually Sunday dinners are cooked by both of us. By the time we get back from church, we are so starving, we are hurrying together to get the food done.

Who is more stubborn? Me Me Me! Michael is hardly stubborn.

Who is the first to admit they're wrong? The first one to admit they are wrong, is usually the one who is wrong....and that is never me ;)

Who has more siblings? I sure do!

Who wears the pants in the relationship? I’d really like to say we are equal....but we both know that I usually wear the pants. But that is okay, Michael likes the way they look on me!

What do you like to do together? Everything. It is rare for us to even run errands alone. I know Anne is rolling her eyes right now. Michael and I hate to be apart from each other.

Who eats more sweets? Have you met me? I do.

Guilty pleasures? For Michael it is KFC and his IPOD :). For me it is Dove Chocolate and palm pilot games.

How did you meet? At work. We were both at the box office.

Who asked who out first? Neither. We just kind of mutually started dating. It was weird.

Who kissed who first? Both. Another mutual decision. You know, in the moment.

Who proposed? Mizichael did! I knew what day he was going to purpose....so he kept tricking me with different ring boxes all day long.

His best features? Curly Hair. His soft hands. His broad shoulders.

What is his greatest quality? I think everyone will agree it is his personality. He is fantastic at making everyone feel welcome. He is good at breaking the ice in any situation. He is also very accepting. He rarely judges anyone. And, one of my favorite things about him is how patient he is with me....since I am stubborn and wear the pants!

Jana H.,
Sarah R.,
Erin H.
and Shayla F.