September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We had a fun filled Labor day weekend. It started with us picking up Emma and then meeting cousin Ethan at Jumping Jacks in Washington. I had never been there with my kids. They absolutely loved it! We are definitely going back there again!

Saturday Michael took the girls to a movie.....a 3D movie. The girls loved it. Nora didn't even notice a difference with the 3D glasses on.....which makes us think she may need glasses.

We decorated the house for Halloween as much as we could. I know it is early, but I couldn't wait....and the kids were excited too!

At church on Sunday Emma got an answer right during the game "Name That Tune". She was so excited that she knew the song and that she got the answer right. We were pretty proud too.

After church, Michael took the girls on a little hike down the hill from our house while I made lunch.

And to end it all, we went to cousin Grace's birthday party Sunday night. Emma loved Grace's Mimi's house. She kept talking about all the chairs there were and all the cheetah print.

I finally decided to try putting Lily's hair in pony tails. I was so excited that it worked!

Waiting for mommy to say it was time to pick up Emma. Nora is constantly asking when we get to pick up Emma. Every time we get Daddy from work she asks "Now it's time to go get Emma?"
Since we only see Emma once a week, we have to distract Nora as much as possible until the next time we pick Emma up.

Emma loved the hairstyle I gave her. It looked like her friend Madison's from least that is what she said.

Anxiously waiting for movie time.

Lily's "do you wanna fight" face.