June 8, 2008

Lily's 2 Loves...

Lily loves to do two things in life. The first: play with, in, around water. We went to the pool last night and she would put her face under water, come up really fast and then laugh. She is not afraid of water at all.

Anytime we turn on the bath water....Lily is in the bathroom within seconds. She knows what the sound means and
she does not want to miss out.

While in the bath she loves to hold a cup, fill it up and then dump it on herself. If she is ever sad, all I need to do is put her in the bathtub.

Lily's second love: Sleep. She sleeps all the time. She has always been a great sleeper. Since she was 2 weeks old she has slept through the night. As long as it is somewhat quiet in the house, Lily will sleep for hours...and three times a day. Her naps are usually very long, and then she still sleeps 12 hours at night. It amazes me.You have to admit, she is a very cute sleeper.