March 8, 2008


* How long have you been together? a little over 3 years

* How long did you date? Just a few months before we were engaged.

* How old is he? Michael is 29 years old.

* Who eats more? Since he has been on a diet I eat way more than him. Before the diet we were almost tied.

* Who said I love you first? He said it long before I did. I was too scared of love to admit I was in love with him.

* Who is taller? Michael is taller. He says I am the perfect kissing height though.

* Who can sing better? That's a toss up. I hate my voice, so I would say him....but I think we are about equal.

* Who is smarter? That is definitely not a toss up. Anyone who knows us knows that Michael is a genius.

* Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but Michael helps out a lot.

* Who pays the bills? I pay the bills. I keep Michael updated but I do most the work.

* Who sleeps on the right side? Facing the bed, Michael sleeps on the right side. We both discussed that this was the way both of our parents did it too.

* Who mows the lawn? We just got a lawn, but we have a company do it for us. If we had to do it, Michael would definitely take that one.

* Who cooks dinner? I cook the dinner. I have tried to convince him to try something but he is too afraid I will not like it.

* Who drives? I do. I like to be in control when it comes to driving.

* Who is more stubborn? 100% me!

* Who kissed who first? Who could resist kissing me first?

* Who asked who out first? We just hung out a lot and then it just turned into dating. There was never really one person asking the other person out.

* Who proposed? We both did. But he did it first.

* Who has more friends? Michael does. I have a million acquaintances but he has many more friends.

* Who is more sensitive? That is a hard one. Michael is a very sensitive person and so am I but it depends on the issue.

* Who has more siblings? I do. He only has 2 siblings and I have 7.

* Who wears the pants? I would like to say that we share the pants but we both know that is not true. Michael is too afraid to wear the pants. Refer to the stubborn question.