On Sunday Lily turns 2!! She is such a funny 2 year old. Completely different from Nora. She is a nonstop kid, always doing something (and it usually isn't a clean something).Some of her favorite things include:
-Singing at the top of her lungs. She memorizes songs after the first few times hearing them and she sings non-stop.
-Coloring. She holds her crayons and pens almost perfectly and she gets very serious about what it is she is drawing.
-Reading. She will sit on the floor for a long time with a pile of books and read to herself. She likes being read too, but mostly likes pretending she can read herself.
-Splashing in the water. She really loves water as long as it is not too cold.
-Her sisters. She loves Nora and Emma (most of the time). She loves to copy them and follow them around.
-Taking care of babies (toys and real). She is constantly giving infants hugs and kisses at the store, or patting them on the head and saying "Cute Baby". She loves babies and loves to care for them.
-Kermit the Frog. She has Kermit (her dad and his puppet) sing to her every night before she goes to sleep. She sings right along.
-She loves to give hugs and kisses. She is a very lovable kid. She loves to snuggle and be close. Nora was never like that, so I am glad I have a kid who does.